Satellite Stitchery
Join me in my stitchy adventures, as I explore quilting, bag making, and other sewing and crafting pursuits!
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Hello and welcome to Satellite Stitchery! I’m Kelley and I guess I’m the Satellite Stitcher lol!
I grew up sewing, but I only learned to quilt as an adult, after my son was born. I’ve been a quilter now for 15 years, and I’m absolutely in love with it! I love to explore new methods and styles, and especially love to brainstorm new and easier ways to make traditional quilt patterns!
I’d love for you to join me on my stitchy, quilty adventures! I can promise you quilting and sewing fun, and I may add in some crochet, bead weaving, or other stitching passtimes. It all depends on what grabs my interest! Won’t you join me? 🙂